Lent Day 31: “Remain in My Love”



Find a place and time to be alone with God. Ask Jesus to help you love as he does and to keep you connected to him, your source of life.


John 15:1-17


1) Think of what a grapevine looks like. Obviously, if a branch is detached from the trunk, it will die and not bear fruit. It’s just the same with us and Jesus. In order to be truly alive and bear fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), we need to remain in him and his love by keeping his commandments. (What are his commandments? Read verses 12 and 17 to be reminded.) However, just like with branches, sometimes He needs to clean us and take away what is not good. Ask God to remove whatever is not allowing you to bear fruit.

2) To remain in Jesus we must learn to love like he does; his love is the kind described in 1st Corinthians 13:4-8. The only way to bear fruit is to love. Without love, we are nothing, even if we apparently do good deeds and have amazing ministries (1st Corinthians 13:13). Today, as you pray, ask God to increase your love for others.


Ask God how you can truly love someone this week. How can you love the way that Jesus loves us, in a sacrificial manner? Maybe it looks like buying lunch for a homeless person; maybe it looks like taking out someone you don’t really like at work for coffee; maybe it looks like helping your spouse or roommate with their chores when you are already exhausted; maybe it looks like spending time with a friend who is going through a hard time. In sum, do unto others what you would have them do unto you (Matthew 7:12).

– Abraham Aldama


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 30: “Whatever You Ask in My Name”



Find a place and time to be alone with God. Ask the Holy Spirit for the assurance that Jesus is with you and in you.


John 14


1) Place yourself alongside the disciples and listen to Jesus speak to you. In verses 1-4, Jesus speaks about what he is preparing for you. What comfort or reassurance do his words offer to you? How do they speak to you at this particular time and place in your life?

2) In verse 12, Jesus tells us that “whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing.” In what ways do you see this happening in your own life?

3) In verses 13-14, Jesus clearly states, “I will do whatever you ask in my name” and “You may ask for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Do you believe him? Why or why not? If you knew with all assurance that you would receive what you prayed for, what would you ask of Him?


Jesus speaks to the disciples about His own identity in the Father and His identity in them (vs. 15-31). Take time to meditate on your identity in the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you His nearness and guidance in your life.

Guest writer: Erin Brehm


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 29: Meeting Failure with Mercy



Find a place and time to be alone with God. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you reflect on your relationships past and present and on Jesus’ mercy and renewal in your life.


John 13:21-38


1) Think of a time when you felt you were betrayed by a friend or someone close to you. How did you feel and respond?

2) Has there been a time in your life when you were the betrayer? What events, thoughts, and feelings led you to that action?

3) Have these instances been reconciled and made right? How did you experience Jesus acting in those situations? If they have not yet been resolved, what actions do you sense Jesus inviting you to take? How would you like Jesus to act on your behalf?


Jesus foreknew the betrayals of Judas and Peter. And yet Jesus chose them as his disciples, allowing human nature to take its course. In the case of Peter, Jesus invited him to repentance and restoration and Peter responded by becoming a leader of the early church. Like Peter, we may take some embarrassing or regrettable actions, but Jesus invites us to return to him, to “take up our cross and follow” (Matthew 16:24).

Look back at your life for times you have failed and received mercy and renewal. As the Holy Spirit for insight into how those experiences have shaped you into the person you are today. Give Jesus thanks for being with you on every step of your journey.

Guest Writer: Mimi Otani, crazy4jazz.com




“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 28: Our Comforter and Advocate



Find a place and time to be alone with God. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to a fresh understanding of how Jesus is with you in the midst of your journey.


John 13:1-20


The image of Jesus that stands out in this passage is that of a protector who knows what is best for us and has our best interests at heart.

In verse 6, Simon Peter questions Jesus, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” He doesn’t understand why Jesus would do such a thing. Jesus’ response is epic: “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.”

Jesus’ answer – to trust him as I wait for understanding to come – is a lesson I have had to learn and relearn. His words give me comfort, allowing me to trust whatever process he’s bringing me through and to find rest in Him. He is our comforter and advocate; his presence will carry us through our journey.

2) When in your life have you experienced situations and circumstances beyond your control? How did it feel to face those situations? In what ways were you able to see Jesus in the midst of your journey?


How might Jesus be calling you to encourage others to believe Jesus is working on their behalf? Is there a specific person he is bringing to mind?

If you feel led to do so, pray this prayer (or substitute your own words): Lord, help me be available to lift up those I come in contact with during their time of crisis. Help me to be a part of redirecting their hearts and mind towards inviting you into their lives. 

Guest Writer: Mercy Perez



“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 27: Becoming Children of the Light



Find a place and a time to be alone with God. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of Jesus’ light in your life and to help you listen to the Father’s voice.


John 12:12-50


Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light” (v. 35-6).

1) Where in your life are you experiencing Jesus’ light? What or who is bringing you joy, peace, hope, faith, or love?

2) Where might you be walking in darkness – fear, confusion, sin, doubt? Where do you need Jesus to shine his light on your thoughts, emotions, words, or actions?


I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it. And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say” (v. 47-50).

Jesus obeyed by saying whatever the Father told him to say. Ask God if there are any words he would like you to say and to whom you should say them. Perhaps God is calling you to have a conversation with someone close to you, or perhaps he is calling you to tell someone about Jesus. Perhaps they will be easy words to say, or perhaps they will be difficult. Whatever God is asking you to say, pray that he will give you the opportunity to speak and the faith and courage to obey.


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 26: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand


Each Sunday in Lent will focus on one of Jesus’ miraculous signs in the Gospel of John. 


Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your devotional time. Before you read, meditate on John’s words about his Gospel:

But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name – John 20:31.


John 6:1-14


Jesus is fully human as well as fully God. He understands what it means to be hungry and thirsty. He offers compassion and remedy for our physical needs as well as our spiritual and emotional ones.

In addition to providing for the crowd, Jesus uses this miracle as a “testing” (vs. 6) and teaching moment for Philip and the other disciples. He shows them that they are not limited by what they can see – that they can imagine and expect more. He trains them for the time when they will be doing “greater things than these” (John 14:12-14), carrying out their own ministries and miracles in Jesus’ name.

1) What are some of the ways you are called to meet the needs of those around you, as Jesus did?

2) Ask Jesus to bring to mind a specific time or times when he taught and prepared you to carry out his work in the world. What was that experience like for you? How is Jesus continuing to guide and equip you?


Jesus made sure everyone “ate as much as they wanted” (vs. 11) and that none of the extra food would go to waste (vs. 12). What might Jesus’ miracle look like in today’s world, where both hunger and food waste are global problems? The United Nations estimates that “Even if just one-fourth of the food currently lost or wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world.”

If you feel led to do so, learn more about the problem of wasted food and its relation to world hunger. (It’s a particular problem in the United States.) Ask God if there is some way, big or small, you can contribute to the reduction of food waste and hunger and to the overall care of God’s creation.

If you wish, you may also read or listen to this examen led by James Martin, S.J., who invites us to reflect on the historical connection between Lent and helping the poor.


You are also invited to hear a sermon on this passage. It will be streamed on the Vineyard One NYC Facebook page beginning at 10:30 am Eastern Standard Time. (Previous sermon audio files are available at vineyardone.nyc.)

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 25: The Blessings of the Week



Today is a day to review your journey with Jesus over the past week. Ask Jesus to be with you as you do so. Let the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts, emotions, and memories.


Look over the week’s devotionals and/or your journal entries (Day 20, Day 21, Day 22, Day 23, Day 24). What stands out to you?  How has Jesus been present to you this week? Where do you sense Jesus inviting your attention so that you may go deeper with him?


If looking over the entire week feels too overwhelming, reflect on one or more of these themes from the week’s devotionals:

1) What does it mean to you that Jesus is your Shepherd? How do you need him to guide and speak to you in this coming week?

2) How have you loved, befriended, and honored Jesus through your thoughts, words, and deeds this week? How do you sense Jesus responding to you?

3) Lazarus’ resurrection helps us look forward to Jesus’ resurrection at Easter and to the new life he gives freely to all. As you look at your own life, the lives of those you love, your faith community, nature, and the wider world, what signs of new life do you see? Spend some time rejoicing in these signs of hope and promise.

Take a moment to bask in the gifts that God has brought you this week. Tell Jesus your hopes and dreams for the week to come.


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 24: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus – Three Ways of Loving Jesus



Breathe in God’s presence. Invite Jesus to be your shepherd. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your ears to hear his voice.


John 11:45-John 12:11


At the dinner at Bethany, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus all show different ways of loving and being with Jesus. Lazarus is there as Jesus’ companion, sharing in the meal and conversation. Martha serves the food. Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume and wipes them with her own hair.

1) Who do you most identify with, Mary, Martha, or Lazarus? Why?

2) What is your unique way of loving and being with Jesus? Are there any specific ways you wish you could deepen your relationship with him?


Consider stepping out of your comfort zone this week. If you’re a “Martha” who typically serves by taking care of the practical details, try a “Mary” activity like simply sitting at Jesus’ feet (Luke 10:39) or showing him your adoration through a bodily expression like kneeling in prayer or through dance, gesture, or song. Or, if you’re comfortable with Mary’s contemplative way of being with Jesus, but you have trouble thinking of Jesus as a friend, imagine yourself sharing conversation and a meal with him, as Lazarus did. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, practice relating to Jesus in a new way.



“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 23: “Mourning to Dancing”



Breathe in God’s presence. Invite Jesus to be your shepherd. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your ears to hear his voice.


John 11:1-44


1) Jesus weeps at Lazarus’ tomb but he also experiences deep anger (v. 33, 38). Based on the passage, why do you think he feels such anger? Who or what is his anger directed at? How do the emotions Jesus shows here fit with  – or challenge – your image of who Jesus is?

2) What are some things about this world now that make you angry or sorrowful? How does Jesus feel about those things? How does he feel about your anger and sorrow?



Now that you have identified something that is troubling you about the world today – something that is not as Jesus intended it to be – how are you called to change it? Ask Jesus to show you one thing you can to do help make things right in the world, to help turn someone’s mourning to dancing, sorrow to joy (Psalm 30:11-12).


“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


Lent Day 22: Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice



Breathe in God’s presence. Invite Jesus to be your shepherd. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your ears to hear his voice.


John 10:22-42


1) In verses 25-30, Jesus explains the distinction between those who are his sheep and those who are not.  He also explains the depth of the connection between him and those he calls his sheep. In what ways have you experienced Jesus as your shepherd?

2) Are there any ways in which you have trouble seeing yourself as Jesus’ sheep? Ask God to give you a deeper connection so that you can hear and know his voice.


Pray for God to open your heart to hear his voice. Try to be aware of him speaking today – in your prayer time, through a worship song, in a conversation, through nature or art (among other ways). What do you sense him saying to you?

Guest writer: Aaron Perez

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).