Contemplative Prayer on Psalm 1

My friends and I at Soul Space have released a new guided prayer! This recording invites you to reflect on Psalm 1 and the image of a tree nourished by God’s word, planted by streams of water, and bearing fruit in season.

In these unsettling days of political, social, and economic unrest, we could all use a reminder of the true sources of our peace, strength, and rest. Listen when you feel in need of restoration or when you simply want to soak in God’s presence. (I’ve heard that these meditations make a great falling asleep aid!) May you listen and be refreshed.


Find me on Instagram at @ravishedbylight

Listen to a New Guided Meditation at

I’m so excited to announce my friends and fellow spiritual directors Janine Rohrer and David Buchs have launched our new website, Soul Space. At Soul Space, we create room for your soul to breathe. Our vision is to make space for busy people to find rest, nourishment, and inspiration for their souls. We offer guided meditations, spiritual direction, and retreats.

To go with the new website, we’ve posted a new guided meditation, set to David’s ambient music. Based on Psalm 25, it leads the listener to prayerfully reflect on trust, hope, and repentance and on God’s guidance, compassion, and love.

Listen to it now and let your soul find rest from a busy day! We’ll be releasing a new recording next week, too!

You can also find archived reflections on our Soul Space page at Soundcloud.

Find me on Instagram @ravishedbylight.

Contemplative Reflection for Pentecost

My friends and I at Soul Space have a new guided contemplation up just in time for Pentecost Sunday!

May you have a life-giving encounter with Jesus and the Holy Spirit as you listen to the Scripture (Acts 2:1-21) and use your imagination to enter into a time of reflection and prayer.

Created by Soul Space: Janine Rohrer (writing), Carrie Myers (narration), David Buchs (Original music and sound mixing)

P.S. I’ve been creating guided contemplative prayers every week for our virtual Sunday services at Vineyard One NYC. For those of you who are spiritual directors or prayer leaders, I’m going to start posting those scripts weekly, so stay tuned!

(If I can figure out how, I’ll post the recordings, too, but so far Audacity and I are not friends. Recording the Pentecost script required me to sit in my living room very late at night so noises were at a minimum, doors and windows closed, fan off, with my microphone in a box stuffed with pillows and there was still background noise that I do not personally know how to edit out.)

Find me on Instagram @ravishedbylight.

Find David Buchs at