Spiritual Direction nyc

Lent Day 35: “I Have Overcome the World”



Begin this time with gratitude. Thank God for how he has already been with you today, and ask him to be with you during this time of prayer.


John 16:16-33


1) In verses 19-28, Jesus explains that the disciples were going to suffer in his absence but then rejoice in his return. Have you experienced a season of great sorrow that made way for a season of joy? How did Jesus prepare, grow, and walk with you through this time?


In verse 33, Jesus offers his disciples the knowledge that he has overcome the world –  sin, death, and the powers and principalities – to bolster and comfort them in their coming time of pain.

If you know someone who is going through a season of sorrow, take some time to pray verse 33 over them. Keep this verse in mind for whomever God puts on your heart as you go through your day.

Guest writer: Aaron Perez

“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


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