Spiritual Direction nyc

Lent Day 29: Meeting Failure with Mercy



Find a place and time to be alone with God. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you reflect on your relationships past and present and on Jesus’ mercy and renewal in your life.


John 13:21-38


1) Think of a time when you felt you were betrayed by a friend or someone close to you. How did you feel and respond?

2) Has there been a time in your life when you were the betrayer? What events, thoughts, and feelings led you to that action?

3) Have these instances been reconciled and made right? How did you experience Jesus acting in those situations? If they have not yet been resolved, what actions do you sense Jesus inviting you to take? How would you like Jesus to act on your behalf?


Jesus foreknew the betrayals of Judas and Peter. And yet Jesus chose them as his disciples, allowing human nature to take its course. In the case of Peter, Jesus invited him to repentance and restoration and Peter responded by becoming a leader of the early church. Like Peter, we may take some embarrassing or regrettable actions, but Jesus invites us to return to him, to “take up our cross and follow” (Matthew 16:24).

Look back at your life for times you have failed and received mercy and renewal. As the Holy Spirit for insight into how those experiences have shaped you into the person you are today. Give Jesus thanks for being with you on every step of your journey.

Guest Writer: Mimi Otani, crazy4jazz.com




“Leap of Faith” is a devotional series on the Gospel of John for the Lent season. All readings are available on the Vineyard One NYC app, along with additional resources for Bible reading, worship, and prayer (IPhone app here; Google Play app here).


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